How to NOT gaslight your clients

$25.00 USD

PRICE: $25

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Gaslighting: a subtle form of manipulation and emotional abuse that makes you question your beliefs and very perception of reality, leading to an erosion of self-trust and self-regard, leaving you dependent on the person gaslighting you.  (source)

Most of the time gaslighting happens in a coaching relationship, it is unintentional, and unconscious.

I don't think any coach gets up in the morning and thinks, "hey, I'm going to make myself some coffee and then gaslight some clients today!"

Coaches are, by and large, decent and caring people who just want to help.

AND that doesn't mean we're perfect, free from ego, scarcity, trauma responses or codependency patterns that can bleed into our coaching work. These are usually the factors that breed an environment of gaslighting.

Here's the good news: you do NOT have to be perfectly healed, enlightened and inscrutable in all these areas in order to be a great coach.

(I can tell you right now, I'm not.)

However, you DO have responsibility toward your clients to learn what you can, when you can, and apply it to the best of your ability.

That means developing the awareness and skills to:

(1) recognizing how gaslighting happens specifically in coaching relationships,

(2) understanding the legacy of oppression and supremacy systems that instill these tendencies even among people with beautiful intentions,

(3) take practical steps in your coaching practice so that every client who works with you walks away from the experience feeling expanded, empowered AND deeply affirmed of their own inner authority and sovereignty.

We're NOT taught about this in coaching school... yet.

And I'm going to change that by packing everything I have learned about this into ONE masterclass.

Here's the good stuff that happens when you learn how to NOT gaslight your clients (aside from sleeping better at night):

  • You AND your client experiences more mutual trust, satisfaction, and breakthrough in every session

  •  You know exactly how to work with clients who are "resistant" or "difficult" to help them to open up and transform, without ever forcing your views or tools on them

  • Because there is more trust and safety to explore deeply, your clients get WAY better results

  • in the longer run, you develop a reputation for integrity, efficacy and ethical business practice, which means more profitable and sustainable business for you...

  • ... and ultimately, a way better reputation for our own industry which means greater numbers of people have access to higher quality help.

This is one of the most profound and ethically pressing things you can learn as a coach.

And the time to learn is now.

See you there.


PRICE: $25

Get lifetime access to the replay of my wildly popular one-time class.

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